Thursday, September 24, 2009

Santa's Crush

One of my all-time favorite professors was/is Gaymon Bennet. I always thought his jovial personality and optimistic outlook were reminiscent of an intellectual Santa Clause. Little quirks, such as the fact that he totally had a crush on Anne Bradstreet (if you don't know who this is... google it, and seriously, read a little poetry now and then) made his class highly enjoyable. When he would read her poetry, his eyes would get a little twinkle, his grin was contagious, and he always seemed to go "somewhere else" as he spoke.

This little trip down memory lane was inspired by the fact that I am currently having my juniors read Upon The Burning of Our House, a poem by Anne Bradstreet. It is such a beautiful poem and, while I am not keen on all Puritan ideals, her faith and resiliency is something to admire. A colleague found the above film clip. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Rece said...

Oh Shelli! This makes me a little nostalgic for NNU days. The best part of NNU was the English department and Dr. Bennett. And Reg Hill's prayers. Plus Grinder's geekiness as we read Hamlet.