Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cheesecake & Laughter

We had our 17 mile run today and it was an exercise in perseverance. I twisted my knee on the 9th mile and had to do the remaining 8 (with significant hills) on a throbbing knee. It was fairly miserable, however, I did feel immense pride when I was finished. It was the longest I had ever gone on a run before.
Coming home, I stopped by a gas station to get two bags of ice to create an ice-bath in our tub to help ease the sore lower half of my body. It was twenty minutes of burning cold that I have not missed since leaving college athletics. Once I had showered and napped/watched movies for awhile, I went to meet Tammy at The Cheesecake Factory (it was supposed to be Christin's farewell Jane Austen Book Club event, but both she and Anna couldn't make it) and had a lovely time eating good food and watching Asher play. It is funny how something as small as a tasty red velvet cheesecake and baby giggles can make a tough day seem peaceful. I guess it is true that the simple pleasures in life are the ones that have the greatest impact on us.


Jim said...

OMG Shelly ... 17 miles? You are amazing.

Shelli Bunn-Petterson said...

Thanks. My left knee is super swollen and I am icing frequently, but I feel great. Give Shane a hug for me, I love you guys.