Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lasik Update

Lasik Recap:

The procedure took about 15 minutes. It wasn't bad, except when cutting the flap for the second eye the doctor said, "Oh crap." I freaked out, but he assured me that it was just something that he dropped. :) My sight was blurry but it didn't hurt until about 30 minutes after the surgery, as we were sitting down at a restaurant to eat.

At the restaurant my vision got worse. I couldn't even see my food to put it on the utinsils and my eyes started hurting. It felt like there was ground up glass underneath my eyelids. Finally, after eating half my plate with tears falling from my eyes as seasoning, we gave up and went home.

I took a Tylenol PM in the car and then took a nap from 12 PM to 6:30 PM. I woke up seeing as good if not better than I ever did with contacts and my eyes no longer hurt. Since then, although my eyes are dry and they get tired more easily, I have had no pain. My vision is 20/25 in one eye and 20/20 in the other and the doctor said that he expects both to be 20/15 or better when the swelling goes down and healing takes place.

Overall, the experience has been great. I can see. I would highly recommend Restore Vision Centers (tell them I sent you) for anyone considering this option. If you are, make sure you take out at least $2500 for you flexible medical spending plan. It will cost between 3 or 4 thousand dollars. Make payment arrangements early, and then budget for lots of eye drops for the next six months. It is well worth the money to see.

(In the pictures: my night time safety goggles, my super cool dark sunglasses, and my beautiful eyes... I have had several people ask me when I would be able to wear makeup again. Seriously, I am considered going with out simply to make a statement. Steen thinks I look possessed and scary. )


Rece said...

Ground glass underneath your eyelids? Now I'm not sure that I can ever get the surgery. Ouch! Do you have to torture your dear little sister?

Jim said...


That last pic looks painful!! I hope your eyes are doing well. :)

Shelli Bunn-Petterson said...

The are doing great, although I am slightly freaked out that I am going to dislodge the "flap". I am enjoying not having to wear glasses or put in contacts. :)

Rece said...

Just had to let you know that when I had Ma look at your blog and she saw these pics, she started to laugh hysterically. I mean, I totally think you're a gorgeous sister of mine, but these pics are just kinda funny.