Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When I grow up.

My mom looked like Shirley Temple when she was a little girl. I remember watching Shirley sing songs and tap dance around and then looking at my mom's picture and wondering if my mom used to sing the same songs while looking in the mirror. It's funny how things change so much and yet many things turn out to be eternal. Children always dream about growing up, adults always reminisce about their youth and dreams are always being born and dying in the minds and hearts of people. It is an awe inspiring reality that connects everyone, the power of hope that is part of the human spirit. I guess we all have a little bit of Jay Gatsby in us.


Rece said...

I remember watching the Shirley Temple movies with you. Have you ever wondered if we would have made it in Hollywood had our parents put the time and money into the tap, dance, singing, or acting classes we wanted? Don't you remember the day when I wanted to marry Macauly Culkin?

Shelli Bunn-Petterson said...

OMG. Yes. I remember us dancing in our church shoes and slips in the garage. Boy, we had so much fun pretending to be the star. Who knows if we would have made it, but I don't think I would have liked to trade my current life in for a different one. :) Admit it, you wouldn't either, world traveler. I can't wait to see you.