Just take a minute to look at these images. I found them online when I was doing a search for vintage home advertisements (for a collage project). I cannot even imagine having my husband have the role of disciplinarian over me. It was hard enough as a child to be under the authority of my mom and dad, although I dearly love and respect them both. I am not a girl who flourishes while under someone else's authority; I need to know that the decisions that impact my life are ones that I have control over... at least as much as is possible. :) Growing up, my mom always told us that we needed to live Godly lives, to follow biblical teachings- yeah, I had a huge problem from the get go with that whole "wives submit to your husbands" thing. I consider myself a feminist, but an equity feminist. I am a woman, which is very different than a man, but that is not a bad thing. Each gender has it's own strengths and weaknesses. I don't think gender should be what determines who we are or what we do. It should just be a part of the complete package of each person.

Like race, religion, or sexual orientation, gender should never be used to determine what a person can do and how much potential they have. At least that is my humble opinion. What do you think?
OMG! These are so ridiculous! I would have died living in this time period! Craziness! Can't wait to see your collage! :)
I know, Steen just started laughing when I showed him. I love living in the age of modern conveniences and moderate enlightenment. :)
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