Monday, February 14, 2011


I know Valentine's Day is supposed to be a day to celebrate romantic love, but I think there are so many different kinds of love to be celebrated. I am a lucky woman. My family is quircky, annoying, crazy, and wonderful. My friends know how to challenge me to be better as well as edify me for my strengths. With these things alone I would be blessed, but I have more. I have a wonderful husband who still loves me and after 8 years of marriage we have not lost the passion. He is my best friend, my biggest supporter, and someone who helps me find the adventure in everyday life. Plus, he gave me two beautiful children.

My kiddos are the most amazing part of my life. It's sort of funny when I think about that because I always thought my life would not include children. Motherhood was not a lifelong dream but it has become a huge part of my life's purpose. When Spencer gives me a hug and tells me he loves me or when Jayden is grumpy but cracks a smile just for me I realize how amazing it is that these children are mine. They love me, they think I can work magic in any situation, and no matter what, I'll always be their mommy.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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