Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Littlest Chef

Jayden was a huge help in the kitchen this weekend. I previously blogged about the casserole day here, but she also helped me make homemade salsa (from The Pioneer Woman) and nachos. As a neat little side note, adding lime juice and lime zest to meat while cooking makes for amazing nachos, tacos, enchiladas, fajitas, chili, etc. :)

Look at her holding her pink spatula at the ready.

She was happy to announce that the meat was ready to go in the enchilada nachos.

I went ahead and jarred the leftover salsa to put in the freezer.

This is totally random, but Spencer worked so hard on his Valentine's for school and then I told him he was supposed to put the message on the outside, not the inside. :)  We had to go back through, peak inside at the names, and rewrite the names on the outside sticker... so much fun!

So, how was your weekend?

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