Saturday, February 12, 2011

Casserole Crew

Tammy, my very dear friend, and I decided to start having casserole days. I am heading back to work, after enjoying some maternity time with Jayden, next week and wanted to do something to make the transition a little easier (plus, now Steen and Spence have easy dinner options if I have a "mommy hates working" meltdown). Tammy is the mother of three, one year old twins (Pierce & Anna) and an adorable three year old with special needs (Asher). She is busy, she never has time to relax, and she needs to to have some "easy" nights. A casserole making day (which I read about somewhere online) seemed like the perfect solution.

The Plan: We decided to each bring supplies to make 2 casseroles, which we would split in half and share. Tammy made ham & onion quiche and chicken divan. I made sweet potato chicken casserole and lasagna. Oh my word, it was a fun morning. We were supposed to start at 9 am but, since I was up until 2 am with a wired baby, I slept through the alarm and got to her house, minus most of my supplies, at 9:45. I had to make a trip home for the missing items and then we were underway.

Ok, I love to cook, but I have to confess that there are times when I feel like I am missing out on fun social time because I am in the kitchen. This morning, it was a social girls day as well as a productive, time and money saving activity. The twins were wandering around looking adorable, Asher was watching Dr. Seuss, and Jayden was chilling in a chair, or being snuggled by whichever mom wasn't stirring the hot meat.

Asher loves Dr. Seuss and he copies the characters while watching "The Cat in the Hat".

This is just the most adorable thing.

Anna recently learned to work a zipper and now thinks she is a male model for a bodice ripper.
Pierce is channeling Lionel from Peanuts.

Jayden is just a little American Sweetheart.

:) I finally got a picture of Anna wearing a headband.

Pierce too.

They are just too cute (Asher is absent from this picture 'cause he was taking a nap).

Me and my girl. In case you're wondering, I always wear bandanas when I am working. It's not a fashion statement or a gang thing... I just want the flyaways to stay out of my eyes.

She smells amazing and snuggling her is the most wonderful sensation.

The Outcome: I came home with 4 meals (6 or so counting leftovers) that I can freeze for those nights when I am stressed, tired, and just need to throw something edible on the table. We decided that next time we'll each bring stuff for 3 casseroles. :) Anyone have any great recipes that they want to share?

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