Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Back in the Saddle

I love my colleagues. When I came in this morning I was greeted with a cute yellow sign along with lots of hugs. :) Thank you, I love you all.

I got up early, woke up Jayden to nurse, sing and read together and then, after crying on Steen's shoulder, I went to work. I spent first hour sorting through papers, pumping at the end of my prep. My students were awesome and it was fun to be in the classroom again. We had a fire drill during the last class, students kept peeking out the window at the snow and wishing for a snow day, and Leslie rescued me fourth hour for an "emergency" pump session. I still wish I could be home with Jayden but if I have to leave her, I realize how fortunate I am to work in an amazing department with such wonderful people.

Jayden was super tired when I got her up but she looked adorable.

Someone drew cute flowers on the board for me.

Coming back to a big yellow welcome sign was so nice. :) Thanks again Leslie.

1 comment:

Leslie & Lucas said...

<3 you! So happy to have you back!