Our family (the Bunns) are known for keeping things around "just in case" we ever might need them. Strangely enough, this often results in a phenomena known as
clutter. Steen and I, after a pleasant laid back discussion, decided to downsize. Below is a list of some of the stuff we are getting rid of after the first round (at least seven rounds still remain):
8 hobo spiders were killed during this activity (one of which was a giant hobo)
7 boxes of cloths to Idaho Youth Ranch
1 box of cloths to Plato's Closet (consignment store, the money goes to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society)
2 boxes of books to Idaho Youth Ranch
2 boxes of art supplies & books to NHS
1 box of broken items to the trash (recyclable items were pulled out first)
1 box of toys to Idaho Youth Ranch
Hopefully, this makes it a little bit easier for round two (tackling the office... duh duh duh).
I boxed up two totes of stuff that I couldn't bring my self to get rid of. I will look through it again in a few months to see if I can get rid of a little bit more of it, but in the words of Bob (What About Bob, Bill Murray), I am taking baby steps. :)