Well, she is finally here. My precious little girl has finally arrived and she arrived with quite a bang. We were scheduled for an induction on the 8th but were bumped because of the large number of "natural" labors that came in. Since Auntie Fay was scheduled to fly to Hawaii the next morning, we spent the day hoping for her to come on her own and helping things along by walking around the mall and climbing stairs (which is super fun when your super pregnant). Finally that evening the Dr. stripped the membrane and sent us on a walk. One block later and my water broke with a gush. I think my first words were, "Oh gross, these are my cute shoes." I know, it should have been something about being happy because she would be arriving soon but at that moment I was just grossed out. I was admitted to Labor & Delivery at around 7 pm and Jayden was born at 1:44 am on November 9th. We were delighted to see that she had been born with an adorable head of brown hair and her cuteness instantly charmed the room.
It turned out that the anesthesiologist had a wet tap during the epidural which resulted in a miserable spinal headache and a longer hospital stay. We were finally able to head home after I got a blood patch on Thursday afternoon. We were excited for relaxing few weeks at home... that didn't happen. On Saturday afternoon the headache came back and by Sunday afternoon I was fairly miserable and spoke with the anesthesiologist on call about a second blood patch on Monday. Surprise! That didn't happen either. We ended up in the ER on Sunday night after a rather unpleasant ambulance ride. Turns out that I had gall stones and, although I was always skeptical about this, gall stones cause much more pain than labor contractions. The next week was a flury of appointments and tests and then, after another blood patch and a consult with the surgeon, we scheduled a gall bladder removal surgery for November 23rd. Thanks to a skilled surgeon and an amazing family, Steen, Spencer, Jayden, and I had an amazing Thanksgiving dinner and an awesome holiday weekend (which included a trip to Edwards to watch HP7 with little Jayden). I turn 30 tomorrow morning and feel incredibly lucky to have two beautiful children, a loving husband, and friends and family that make all the parts of my life better. I love you all. Have a wonderful holiday season.