Monday, July 19, 2010

Chef Spencer

Spencer decided that it was time for him to learn how to cook. He spent some time "practicing" with bark and water on the patio and then we watched the Food Network for some inspiration. We decided to make Paula Dean's baked macaroni & cheese pies and scalloped potatoes. Both were yummy and it was a ton of fun.

Making imaginary mac & cheese.

Putting the ritz crust in the pan for the pies.

The pies were put in the oven without too much snitching of the cheese sauce.

Tasty hot pies fresh out of the oven.

Ready for a taste test.

The food critic tries it.


My little master chef goes to work.


There is nothing in the world like a delicious barbecued hamburger to help you enjoy a lovely June evening.

We spent most of the month of June housesitting for the Truesdales in Hidden Springs, which we likened to Stars Hallow (from Gilmore Girls). It was huge fun for our family. My parents ended up coming down for a weekend, The Cramer's stopped by for a day of BBQ, croquet, and swimming, and Spencer had an awesome time playing with Jacob and Tuffy (the Truesdale dogs). We felt like we were taking a month long vacation and although it means that July is busy working on our house, it was a super fun time for use.

Like all BBJ gatherings, delicious food was part of the plan. My dad barbecued these amazing kabobs for us.

We enjoyed awesome weather and had some yummy food on the patio in between chatting and swimming down by the saltwater pool.

We served up the wild Alaskan salmon we bought from Cammie after grilling it with some lemon and herbs on the BBQ. Yumm!

Trish and Steen looking good for our croquet game... which I won! :)

The Cramer girls getting their sunscreen on before playing in the pool.

Steen and Piper chilling and eating watermelon while we were waiting for hotdogs to be grilled.

Spencer has decided that croquet is a blast and he enjoyed the games we played immensely.

No summer gathering can be complete without homemade milkshakes from fresh locally grown fruit. Tasty!

Spencer slept with Tuffy and Jake when they came back to our house so we could water the plants and spend some time with Steen on his long shifts.

Gone Fishing

Spencer earned some money for picking up the lawn while we were housesitting in June. He decided that he wanted to use his money to outfit himself with fishing gear. We purchased the basics at Walmart and then headed down to Locks Park for his first fishing expedition. It was hot but it was also a lot of fun. He didn't catch anything but was super excited to watch the line jerk as the fish literally nibbled the worm off the hook. It reminded me of the fun I had when I was younger and Grandpa Friberg or Daddy would take us fishing; it's wonderful to be able to create new memories with Spencer.