I have the greatest sisters in the world. Sure, they drive me crazy, I don't understand them, and we fight more than we do anything else. All of this doesn't matter though. We bonded over Supergirl during our formative years and moments like that never go away. How funny that, in life, we all make choices that bring us closer to some people and further away from others and yet we all share the same common elements of the human experience: joy, pain, sorrow, love, laughter, hope, loss, anger, hate, passion, fear, dreams, etc.. William Faulkner talked about how the greatness of humanity, these inconsistent feelings, are the things that will become the pillars and foundation of humanity. How beautiful to think that, even when we are different, we are all a part of the same species and in that we are one family, one people. I hope that my existence has a positive impact, heroic or simplistic, that changes at least one persons life for the better. Other than that, what can anyone truly hope for.